Once upon a time, not so very long ago........

Little Leon was born with a poorly heart. This made his Mummy and Daddy sad and they decided to search for a special friend who would keep Little Leon company and look after him while he was in hospital.............

The Adventure begins..............

Monday, 6 June 2011

Time is nearly up for the petition! Little Leon says sign it now!

There isnt much time left to save our surgery!

As you may have heard / seen in the local media there is a move to close the Children's Heart unit at LGI and move it to Newcastle, a move that in my eyes would have catastrophic consequences for many families.As the consultation period is nearly over I would ask that, if you could, you would sign the petition, to save the unit and keep it in Leeds, on-line:-  Petition here 

Now I know you get a lot of this type of request from various sources for different things, but please just take a couple of minutes to look and sign this. I know that with it being a Children's Cardiac Ward a lot of people with think that it's not relevant to them, A year ago i would have been one myself, but situations can change very quickly. Unfortunately,I have spent far too much time in this place with my Boy this year, with a prospect of lots more to come.

I'll just leave you with this thought.. Leeds Children's Cardiac Unit, I need it, you might! 

Little Leon says sign up to save his nursey laydess!

Bob T Bear was wondering if Little Leon has a Dinosaw, sadly Little Leon hasnt got one, unless, he says, you mean his Mummy! its ok she has some hair dye!  He is hoping that he meets one as lovely as Dilly, Bobs friend) and that they can be great friends and have lots of adventures with the  cot bed gang!

So far its very quiet in the cot, Little Leon is resting, and the gang are discussing which take away to use to bring dinner.  It seems that every time a menu is pushed through the door, they add it a pile near the fridge, getting Leons Daddy to call, the takeaways are on first name terms with Leons Daddy!  They are avoiding salad and beansprouts!  Bears don't eat salad according to Noel!  

Little Leon says Hello laydees and genteelmen

Leon getting a head start with the milky for the pic nic

Mummy is trying to organise a Teddy Bear pic nic for Leon and his friends during the summer, so that they can bring their Mummys and Daddys and have an afternoon of fun with lots of food!  So far they are struggling to get a date because everyone works different shifts, I'm sure they will manage to sort it out soon.

Little Leon says thanks for signing the petition  on behalf of all the boys and girls who badly need the unit to stay open.  XX

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