Once upon a time, not so very long ago........

Little Leon was born with a poorly heart. This made his Mummy and Daddy sad and they decided to search for a special friend who would keep Little Leon company and look after him while he was in hospital.............

The Adventure begins..............

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Little Leon goes a marching.....


As most of you will probably have heard by now..... if you havent which moon were you visiting....... The Childrens Cardiac surgical unit in Leeds was recomended for closure and the loads and loads of people who use it 'managed' in the direction of Newcastle for treatment.....

Little Leon and his friends, their families and his nursey laydees are very understanably upset by the whole process.......

Heart families meeting to protest
So on Monday the 23rd July they all gathered together to protest in Millenium Square in Leeds. They sang as they walked, conducted by Lyalls Grandad.  Little Leon walked with some of his Laydees for a little while, he blew them a few kisses to keep them going.....

Woo! this marching business makes me thirsty

The impact on the area will be huge for the many children already using the service, not to mention the children not yet born or diagnosed. Not only will the other services in the areas not closing become over subscribed, the financial, family and transfer factor doesnt seem to have been considered at all.  And whilst no one will argue that centres of excellence for surgical procedures are a good idea and vital for the training, research and development of new surgeons and technologies.  It doesnt appear that many have looked into the impact on the families themselves.....

For Little Leon it would mean that he might not see Mummy or Daddy for days at a time, because Newcastle is far far away and try as they might, one of them will have to work to keep the house, pay the bills and pay for petrol to get to and from the hospital.  It will put pressure on Mummy and Daddy because they look after each other, Mummy does the medical, Daddy support and headless chicken running around and Daddy does the driving and supports mummy when shes worried.  Both of them look after Little Leon..........  He might not see his Grammas and Grandads either as they are quite old and dont like travelling too far.  

This is my TOF heart T shirt woo!

Little Leon worries that in an emergency how long will it take to transfer him to see his doctors?  if the weather is bad or the traffic is thick with all the luck in the world, the Embrace team cant fly... If the air ambulance can fly..... will it be available.......  Its such a worry for familes who already have too much to worry about......  

Leons says, go lady put that sun tan lotion on!

So really Little Leon and all his heart buddies and their families would love the unit in Leeds to stay open.  In fact on Tuesday the 24th the decision was referred to the Health Secretary for review into this floored process.

Leon and his buddies say..........   WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED!   

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