Once upon a time, not so very long ago........

Little Leon was born with a poorly heart. This made his Mummy and Daddy sad and they decided to search for a special friend who would keep Little Leon company and look after him while he was in hospital.............

The Adventure begins..............

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Little Leons heart friend, Ebony writes poetry!

Little Leon would like to share Ebonys poem, its about being a Child with CHD
Ebony the Poet :D


Right from the very start
I've had a poorly heart

I used to have spells
I used to go blue
My Mum has told me other children do too

... I don't feel so alone in this scary world
I have my loving Mum who has loved me from day one

I have my many Zips..
But NO more blue lips

I sometimes cry I think you all know why..
It scares me to think of surgery again
But I know I will be in safe hands with the Surgeons on Ward 10

I have lots of friends
I run,dance and join in P.E
When I get tired my friends wait for me

The whole CHD world is sometimes cruel
But my school friends think my battle scars are cool..

I think I'm a lucky girl,with many lovely family and friends
I don't know what will happen to me when I get older
But I do know my Mum will always lend a shoulder

She has wiped my tears so many times
She has sat by me night after night
Many of times I've given her a fright

When I think of what I've gone through
I wonder how my Mum felt
When my CHD life cards were dealt

I just want to say and for you all to see
That having CHD has made Me.......ME.

Ebonys Mum, Sue is very very proud of her talent and it made Leons Mummy cry too!   Little Leon and Mummy love this poem, because it really sums up what its like to have CHD when you are young and trying to grow up with all the other pressures and a heart problem as well.   Leon thinks we are going to see more poetry from Ebony, Heart Warrior :) and Poet.

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