Once upon a time, not so very long ago........

Little Leon was born with a poorly heart. This made his Mummy and Daddy sad and they decided to search for a special friend who would keep Little Leon company and look after him while he was in hospital.............

The Adventure begins..............

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Two Years On.....

Two Years ago today, I made the longest walk of my life, a walk no parent should ever have to make. I carried my son, Leon, from Ward 10 to the operating theatre at LGI, They wanted him to go down on a trolley, but there was no way I was going to let that be my last sight of him should the worst happen. We (Helen & I) left him in the hands of the surgical team knowing the odds on him coming back were a lot less than favourable, but, Helen had done a great job in getting him so far, and now it was up to the Wonderful Mr. Watterson & his team and Little Leon himself.  Over 14 Long, long, long hours later, he was back, alive, relief all round, the rest is well documented elsewhere.

 It’s been an eventful two years, Leon has had further surgery, and will still need more in future, but he now has that future, something that was not for definite two years ago. Along the way, we have laughed, we have cried, we have had family holidays, days out, days in and days doing nothing and, infuriatingly, days/nights at the hospital (s)!. There is always the worry over his health,some days are better than others, but  his heart is in as good a condition as we could have hoped for, his plumbing sadly not, but hey, I’ll take that any day. He is checked by the Hospital regularly, at the moment all is good so big smiles all round!  They say that having kids changes you, having a CHD kid certainly does. Perspectives change, you find out who your friends are, and get to meet a whole load of new ones; for  we are all members of a club that no-one wanted to join, but we are closer for that, we understand each others worries and feel each others pain. With the best will in the world, if you haven’t experienced it, you will not understand, and I pray that one day no-one will have to experience it at all. I now frequent a world where hearing about another ones Open heart surgery is the norm, where hospital visits can be more regular than visits to the seaside for children and parents alike, and where, sadly, death, is all too common.  We were lucky (!!) Leon survived, he  has had people from all parts of the globe praying to whatever deity would listen, the non-religious just sending best wishes, and random strangers offer support in various ways. In this digital age, it’s surprising how touching a message left on a forum wall, from some-one who you have never physically met and know only by a nickname, can be.  Leon has developed a bit of a fan club in some circles, a blog started by Helen about Leon and his adventures has now been visited over 17000 times, who’d have thought it!

 So two years  on,  I would like to thank all of you that have in some way become part of our lives, to the medical and ancillary teams at LGI (how do I start to thank these guys?), to the RLFANS Wakefield Trinity Forum Prediction league  for a wonderful Gesture and continued messages asking about his progress, to the family of Leon Walker, their own son tragically lost to an undiagnosed CHD whilst playing for Wakefield for their kind words and gesture,  to all the new friends we have made in the CHD world, to the families who have been through this and helped with advice and to those still to go through it that maybe we can help in some way, to our close families for being there and to old friends who just were there when we needed them.

But I have to thank one person more than any, my wife Helen, without whom I would not have got through this last couple of years, so, here’s to many more years as a family just doing family things that others take for granted.. 

There is a quote by Souza, that really says it all
“Dance as though no one is watching you,
Love as though you have never been hurt before,
Sing as though no one can hear you,
Live as though heaven is on earth.”

Thanks for being along with us for the ride, buckle up for we have a long way to go and a lot of things to see and do yet.


Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Adventures of Little Leon and Noel: Little Leon and Mama Moo........

The Adventures of Little Leon and Noel: Little Leon and Mama Moo........: This morning, early, before Little Leon was stiring and Mummy and Daddy were still snoozing, Charlie bear sneaked downstairs and switched on...

Little Leon and Mama Moo........

This morning, early, before Little Leon was stiring and Mummy and Daddy were still snoozing, Charlie bear sneaked downstairs and switched on Daddys PC...........
Now which button is for on......?

In the night while Leon was asleepy Cow and Mini Moo had been talking to the Cot Bed Gang, Cow and Moo love staying with Little Leon and the Cot Bed Gang, but they miss thier Mummy.......  The bears have Miss Schlepp to look after them, the rabbits have Hoppy Bunny Leon has Mummy and Daddy, but Cow and Moo were feeling a bit lonley.

Cow and Moo missing Mama Moo......
So Charlie Bear, switched on Daddys PC and started to search..... Mama Moo, well he looked at Twitter, Facebooky, farm family, local farms, looked at Milkey sellers......  Yorkshire show site and cow boys..... er no, that was something totally different...........  Eventually he found who he thought he was looking for.........

Mmm, cakey........
So, Charlie Bear picked up the phone..... it rang and rang and then suddenly a voice said.... Hello, Mama Moo here..... Well, Charlie was so happy, he explained that Cow and Moo had been adopted from Farmer Copleys Farm. But they missed their Mama Moo.....  Mama Moo was thrilled, it was a nasty farmer who had taken Cow and Mini Moo and given them to a albert...arbor.... abberrrt anyway, somewhere Cows and Mini Moos shouldnt go!   That would explain why Cow doesnt like the butchers shop.......   But Farmer Copley had come and rescued them with all thier friends and let them live in his farm shop, so that families could come and adopt them......

So, knowing that her little Cow and Mini Moo where safe......... What will Mama Moo do next.......

Cow and Mini Moo tucked up safe and sound..
Cow and Mini Moo are looking after Little Leon, the cot bed gang are planning another midnight phone call........   They are also raiding the Growls money box and Noel is planning a trip out in the Coupe........... What does that all mean..........?

Cow and Leon xxxx

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Little Leon visits Albert Dock...

Today has been a lovely day for Little Leon, he took Cow and Moo to Albert Dock in Liverpool to see some boats.

Cow in a Mini!
There were big boats, little boats, boats with sails, boats without, boats with people in and boats with people out.  The loud man on the microfone said that there will be a Pirate weekend on the 20th and 21st July..... Avast said Little Leon! So he might be going back!

I said no pictures please, Superhero Incognito!
He also saw a fabulous stunt plane performance and they finished off after looping the loop, flying upside down, criss crossing and going back and forwards with a beautiful great big heart!  Leon was thrilled Daddy had arranged that.......... Daddy was a little surprised as well! 

Ive been driving in my car...... its not quite a jaguar...... Rarrr!
Then it was back down the dock side to get Mummy a coffee and some cake.  Mummy has fallen and hurt the ligaments in her foot, so she is having to sit and rest it a lot.  If you know Little Leons Mummy you will know she doesnt like sitting and doing nothing!
Cow having a Marylin moment on the blower......

Part of the reason for that is that she is setting up a small workshop so she can make more lovely things.  www.leonsheart.com    soon there will be more bears and bags and wonderful things to see on the website, so keep checking back, Christmas really isnt that far away if you are wanting a little bit of hand made something different.
Me and Daddy and Mummy!

Daddy is trying to watch the Grand Prix with little Leon munching crisps and yapping!  Poor Daddy!

See how you like it when someone does it to you.... Its tough being cute you know!

Sneaky peek at Mummys bag styles :D
 and finally..........

Be yourself, be true to yourself, follow those dreams, but not the one where you are naked in the middle of a motorway!

Love from Leon, Mummy and Daddy xxx