Woo What an exciting week Little Leon and his Mummy and Daddy have had. At the weekend he had a trip to Pinderfields A & E and met Dr Charles.
Little Leon telling Daddy about his adventures!
On Monday Little Leon decided to have another spell and went a lovely deep crimson colour in his Mummys arms at the top of the stairs, very distressing for both. Leon gasped, Mummy gasped, Leon cried, Mummy cried and pushed his knees to his chest and sang Three little Speckled frogs all the way through, and then rocked him from side to side. Daddy took over and watched Little Leon for a while, gave him some milky when he asked for it and then tucked him up in his little bed to be watched over for the rest of the night by the Cot Bed gang!
Give a hug give a hug.... |
Mummy rang the hospital on Tuesday morning because she was worried and they invited him to visit for a few days, how exciting ! Little Leon enjoys meeting his nursey laydees. Dr Sam had him play with the scan thingamabob again, its showed a serious narrowing in the pulmonary artery and his duct is narrowing..... Very worrying for Mummy and Daddy. So once again Leon is going to be discussed in the big important meeting on Tuesday morning and they are looking to pull his surgery forward.... keep your fingers crossed for good news. In the meantime Little Leon has some magic medicine that stops the spells by relaxing the muscle that spasms and causes him to go crimson! While he was relaxing in the ward Leon played peekaboo with Dr Sam, lets grab the scanner cable and help Dr Trinette with the scany thingamabob and smiled so much at his laydeees Mummy thought his face had frozen into a permanent grin!
Little Leon wiggling and giggleing on Mummy |
On Thursday morning Dr Sam told Little Leon he should go home because his cuteness batteries must be running down low and his laydees needed to get on with the serious job of hugging the other children on the ward! So Mummy ran Nan and told her they would get cake and go round to visit..........
Little Leon happy to be going home! |
Little Leon teaching Daddy texting! |
When Mummy and Little Leon arrived with cake, Nan and Grandad were out, so Mummy ate some cake and waited for them to call. Nan called and said that Grandad was poorly and was in Pinderfields Hospital! Oh no, so Little Leon had Mummy pack a bag of milky and rushed round to see what was happening. It seems Grandad had been taken poorly in the night and also had a ride in an ambulance. He has had an emergency operation and it now sat up in bed eating a banana!
Little Leon and Grandad are hospital mystery shoppers!
Mummy and Daddy are worn out, Nan is worn out and Grandad and Little Leon are resting their eyes!